Read What They Are Saying

for Joni K. – Stillwater, MN
Save yourself the aggravation of a lost pet! I was one who thought my pet would never get lost and he had always found his way home after all those years – but there comes a time in a pets life – due to the pet aging or just a bad situation where they can’t always get back to you. I’m sure it was a very traumatic time for him and me! I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through so I’m writing this to urge anyone that is contemplating buying this to do it now! I did a lot of research on different products and I found the Marco Polo system has benefits that most people don’t even realize will be helpful until you use it. … Continue Reading

for Michele M. – Huntingtown, MD
Trooper is wild as a bug — he is outdoors every chance he gets, chasing squirrels up trees and napping in the sunshine. This past August, he didn’t come home for dinner and went missing for nearly two and a half weeks. We decided we will never let this happen again! We did quite a bit of market research to find the best device for us. That’s where the Marco Polo comes in: one recent late afternoon, the sky was darkening with an oncoming storm just as the Marco Polo alarm sounded. Within less than 10 minutes, I tracked Trooper through the woods separating our neighbor’s houses (about a quarter mile away) — he was huddled underneath a shed. The peace of mind the Marco Polo offers is priceless — it is exactly the easy-to-use and reliable device for which I was looking to help keep our buddy safe. … Continue Reading

for Debra W. – Lake Harding, AL
Pretty had chased a deer and was missing for several days. I took the Marco Polo unit on my motorcycle and rode around the lake following the signal strength and direction arrow. When the signal got to 86% I started calling here name, heard her bark and was finally able to see her through the heavy brush. Pretty had become stuck fast on a mud flat with her entire underside in mud. She would never have been able to get out on her own. I pulled her to high ground and an hour later she was home. Thank you Marco Polo. … Continue Reading

for Sean W. – Denver, CO
Bella is a two year old Black Labrador, and like all Labs she loves the water (yes, that is ice she is standing on). Unfortunately, she’s still learning and will sometimes run off on her … Continue Reading

for George N. – Yorba Linda, CA
It was Easter Sunday and I had my dog Katella inside the house while the family was in the back yard having lunch. A relative left the back door open and she bolted. I just … Continue Reading

for Donna R. – Kennesaw, GA
Recently, my Golden Labrador Retriever, Bailey, ran off into the woods. I tried calling her, but she just looked back and kept running. I got my Marco Polo locator, jumped in the car and drove … Continue Reading

for Linda F. – Eursis, FL
Buck is an 11 month old hound mix and escape artist. He can go over, under or through all of the fences around our property including an electric fence. Recently, the MarcoPolo alarm went off … Continue Reading

for Susan M. – Encinitas, CA
If you know Terriers, you know that many of the various breeds are “ratters” and varmint hunters. Boston Terriers are no exception. They are feisty, gregarious, loving and gentle. But when they latch onto the … Continue Reading

for Jeff D.
I have a very active pit and we hike almost everyday, most of the time where there is no cell svc. Last night the last I saw of him he was going over the top of mountain with another dog. He does come back most of the time but somehow he ended up in a gated community. I would never have found him without the tracker. I have owned a Marco Polo for about 2 years and this is not the first time It's saved him. Best money I ever spent. … Continue Reading

for Leslie
Just thought I’d give you some feedback about using the Marco Polo tag with cat collars. First of all, everything works great. I located my cat very quickly and solved the problem of a neighbor feeding her and luring her away from my house. So mission accomplished! Just thought I’d let you know in case anyone else asks you. Thanks for a great product! … Continue Reading

for Jessica R.
One evening Bliss didn't show up for dinner. Without Marco Polo we never would have found her. … Continue Reading

for Susan K.
I cannot tell you how much this product has meant to us. It has truly saved his life so many times. Without your product there is no way we would still have our beloved kitty! I cannot thank you guys enough! … Continue Reading