Like a Shiny New Penny
If you know Terriers, you know that many of the various breeds are “ratters” and varmint hunters. Boston Terriers are no exception. They are feisty, gregarious, loving and gentle. But when they latch onto the scent of a varmint, they’re off like a rocket. When Susan from Southern California Boston Brigade Rescue contacted us, she had one specific dog in mind, Skippy. It seems this Boston had been adopted by a new owner, and he had a reputation as a bolter. So Susan hooked us up with Skippy’s owner who got a MarcoPolo. Now Skippy is safely monitored 24/7 and if he bolts, he can be found quickly before he gets into a dangerous situation.
Susan was so impressed, she got a MarcoPolo for her own Boston, Penny. “With so many Boston Terrier rescues in our care, we usually have at least one we are concerned about bolting. Marco Polo gives us peace of mind knowing the animals in our care won’t become another stray. Anyone who has a dog that is a bolter like Penny truly cannot undertand the assurance you feel with MarcoPolo in place. When I hear that alarm go off and I know she is with my husband on a walk I smile. If I hear it go off and I don’t know where she is in the house I panic and immediatly know to grab the locator unit and look for her. It gives us such a sense of relief knowing MarcoPolo is there, especially with kids going in and out of the doors all the time. Recently, I found a cat on our walk that had been killed by coyotes. I don’t want my Penny being coyote food!”
Susan M. – Encinitas, CA